Hey, the name's Kate

Developer turned designer. Ex-Adobe streamer, design agency survivor, and now designing the future of being onchain.

Active quests:

- Design lead at Alchemy
- Crafting 3D renders
- Playing with three.js

I'm a creator inspired by video games.

kate headquarters

You can think of me as a designer with an artist's heart.

I've designed for countless clients and industries over the past 7 years--but my passion now lies in designing tools and experiences for web3 developers.

I believe the future for artists and creators is onchain, and I derive great joy from playing a part in onboarding developers to build that future.

Outside of working at Alchemy, I've spent the last 4 years as a hobbyist 3D artist. You can find me building interactive experiences in in webGL + three.js, or making art in Blender.

alchemy NFT

work Experience


Design Lead

MAR 2023 - NOW

Leading brand and systems. Built our systems from the ground up while leading design for key launches.


Sr. Designer

SEP 2020 - MAR 2023

Managed a team of 3 designers while being the sole designer on projects for Calendy, Meow, Trust Machines, and others.



APR 2018 - SEP 2020

Operated as the sole Designer on the marketing team where I designed our website, social assets, and event material.

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3D art
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Visual design
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Leading a team of designers
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Web design
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Product design
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Onchain technical knowledge
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Generally making things look cool
Figma SVG Tools
Premiere Pro
Notion SVG Tools
Figma SVG Tools
Premiere Pro
Notion SVG Tools

Services I can help you with.

Web design
UI design
Webflow development
Landing pages
Mobile app design
Design systems
Web design
UI design
Webflow development
Landing pages
Mobile app design
Design systems

Design approach from concept to creation.



In the first phase, I delve deep into your needs, aspirations, and challenges. By understanding your vision, I lay the groundwork for a tailored and meaningful digital experience.

products goals
market research
competitor analysis
target audience


Transform insights into innovative ideas. Ideation phase is a vibrant exchange of creativity, where concepts flourish and possibilities unfold, setting the stage for a truly unique digital solution.

user flow
mood board
concept exploration


With a comprehensive understanding and a palette of ideas, I meticulously craft the digital experience. Seamlessly merging functionality with aesthetics for a final product that captivates and excels.

visual concept
visual design
developer handoff

Cool things that
cooler people say

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Kate is a wonderful human. I was lucky enough to spend a few months working with her to revamp our website at 4K Protocol, and the result speaks for itself. Not only is Kate a stellar designer with an eye for creative detail, she’s also a genuinely kind person willing to explore various solutions and accommodate feedback.

Andrew Harrison

Marketing Lead @ 4K Protocol
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Kate is a brilliant designer and a pleasure to work with. One of her strongest traits is her ability to manage multiple projects, team members, and clients simultaneously while staying positive and optimistic throughout the process. Her kind and humorous attitude is infectious. Kate would be an excellent leader on any team.

Brandon Hampton

Senior Designer @ Webstacks
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When I received Kate's prototype for a search enhancements feature, I immediately realized that I had just opened up the best file I'd ever seen from another designer. Everyone who works with Kate comments on how talented she is and how great the work that she produces is. She's made me a better designer in the months that we've worked together.

Dan Bartow

Principle Consultant
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Kate recognizes the power that a great user experience has on the adoption and success of products. Her efforts result in more intuitive and adoptable product interfaces. Any design team, with a heavy focus on customer needs and benefits, as well as very high quality design standards and expectations, would be lucky to have Kate.

Andy Vaughn

Former Manager @ MindTouch
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